Thursday, July 15, 2010

The PD Trolls Its Commenters

Oh my god you guys.

Also, there is an argument going on in the comments about who floats better. To wit:

It all starts when Dick_Butcher (seriously? Is this Lorena Bobbit's screen name?) gets a bright idea:


jrjohnso has a sense of humor about the whole thing:


Dick's all BAM! Science up in yo grill!


flifishun lol's:


happypatb actually read the article:


Real Talk from a trio of posters:


jrjohnso is WAY too logical for an commenter:


Dick misses pat's peace offering, and he takes his ball and goes home (also: he went to grad school, motherfuckers!):


rahda4 might not have read the rest of the debate. He just throws out some weird quote from a person no one else had heard of:


Okay, so pat didn't actually read the article. He / She also says pointless stuff:


jr is not ready to let it go just because Dick stomped out of the thread:


sandisland misses the point and says there just might be something to this whole "buoyancy" thing:


It's insane.

Also, there are people in that thread who are, insistently and without irony, defending slavery. I know.

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